Health Articles
What happens if I’m tested positive for HIV? When a patient is screened and tested for HIV at the cl...
What happens during a HIV screening? When a patient comes into our clinic for a HIV screening, a ser...
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How do I prepare for health screening?
What is Women’s Health and what does screening entail?
How do I prevent getting STD’s?
What happens if I’m tested positive for HIV?
Why is it important to test for STDs?
What happens during a HIV screening?
What happens during an STD screening?
What is Men’s Health and what does screening entail?
What happens if I’m tested positive for STD?
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Health screening is essential for everyone. Full health checks and screening enables you to find out if you have underlying medical condition(s) and helps to detect possible conditions which you may not be aware of, even if you are looking and feeling well, and there are no symptoms.