The Lasting Power of Attorney
The Lasting Power of Attorney Singapore
A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a legal document which allows a person who is at least 21 years of age (‘donor’), to voluntarily appoint one or more persons (‘donee(s)’), to make decisions and act on his behalf as his proxy decision maker if he should lose mental capacity one day. A donee(s) can be appointed to act in two broad areas: personal welfare as well as property & affairs matters.

Benefits of an LPA
The LPA allows you to protect your interests by indicating a proxy – someone you trust to be reliable, competent and capable – to make decisions and act on your behalf should you become vulnerable when you lose the mental capacity to make your own decisions one day.
By having an LPA in place, it also alleviates the stress and difficulties faced by your loved ones should you lose your mental capacity.
For more information on The Lasting Power of Attorney, you can visit The Office of the Public Guardian website.

What you need to know to make an LPA
Donor: The person that appoints one or two individual(s) to make decisions/act on his behalf as his proxy decision maker if he/she should lose mental capacity one day.
Donee: The appointed individual(s) to make decisions/act on the donor’s behalf if the donor should lose mental capacity one day.
- Both Donor & Donee(s) must be 21 years old and above.
- There can be a maximum of 2 donees and 1 replacement donee to be appointed by the donor when necessary.
- All necessary documents (LPA application form & LPA Form 1) are provided at our clinic.

To make your Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA), visit us at Nuffield Medical Siglap.
Dr Lin Kai Wei, our resident doctor, is an accredited medical practitioner for LPA. The fees for making an LPA is $150.00 (per donor).
Please that note of the following requirements:
- All personnel involved must present their original NRIC or Passport.
- It is compulsory for all personnel involved to be present during the signing process of LPA with the doctor (witness).
An application fee may apply if you are:
- Singapore Permanent residents ($100.00)
- Foreigners ($250.00)
These charges are charged directly from the Office of Public Guardian. There will also be a fee of $25.00 for the cancellation of registration of a LPA (from the Office of Public Guardian).