Visiting Consultants

Dr Radhika Lakshmanan
MBBS (Singapore)
MMed (Surgery)
FRCS (Edinburgh)
Dr Radhika Lakshmanan is a consultant General Surgeon with more than 20 years of surgical experience. She is accredited by the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh and was appointed as an Honorary Clinical Fellow in Breast Surgery at the Nottingham Breast Institute in 2011. She served as the Clinical Lead in Surgery for Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Nanyang Technological University/Imperial College of London in 2012.
Her subspecialty interest lies in Breast Surgery. With the Human Manpower Development Program in 2011, she was trained further in Oncoplastic & Reconstructive Breast Surgery, and Breast Cancer management in Nottingham Breast Institute, United Kingdom. Her scope of treatment of breast diseases ranges from the management of benign breast disorders such as breast cysts, lumps, nipple discharge, lactation problems, breast reduction, breast screening, breast cancer and male breast disorders.
An advocate of breast cancer awareness, Dr Radhika frequently participates in seminars for both the public and medical fraternity. She is an active member of the Singapore Breast Cancer Foundation and Singapore Cancer Society. Dr Radhika has published several peer-reviewed articles and chapters on cancer-related topics.
Dr Radhika has a special interest in breast cancer.
Nuffield Medical Orchard

Dr Ooi Wei Seong
MB BCh BAO (Ireland)
FAMS (Medical Oncology)
Dr Ooi Wei Seong is a medical oncologist who graduated from Trinity College Dublin with honours distinction in 1999. He started his oncology training at St Vincent’s University Hospital in Dublin and then spent three years at Sunnybrook Odette Cancer Centre in Toronto, Canada as a clinical fellow in oncology. He then returned to Singapore and obtained his specialist accreditation in medical oncology.
Dr Ooi Wei Seong has keen interest in lung cancer, head & neck cancer, gastro-intestinal cancer, and genitourinary cancers. In addition to the management of all solid tumour types, he also has special interest in bone health and mechanisms of bone metastases in cancer patients. Dr Ooi was a recipient of the Singapore Health Quality Service Award in 2011 for his exemplary service to patients.
Dr Ooi Wei Seong is actively involved with multiple investigator-initiated and pharmaceutical-led clinical trials. He has also contributed to publications in peer- reviewed journals. His research has been presented at various international oncology meetings.
Dr Ooi has given talks to overseas oncologists and general practitioners on managements of cancers in the region. He has also spoken at local GP symposiums and conducted Cancerwise workshops, public forums aimed at providing comprehensive information on specific cancers. He was a Clinical Tutor at Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine at the National University of Singapore in addition to providing teachings to junior doctors, nurses, Duke-NUS students, and elective fellows.
Nuffield Medical Orchard

Dr Toh Keng Kiat
Physician (Haematology)
Assoc. Prof. (Practice)
Dr Toh Keng Kiat graduated from University of Singapore in 1965 and proceeded to Edinburgh in 1970 for further training in haemato-oncology on scholarship. Upon his return, he remained in public health service until he started his own consultancy practice in the private sector, in haematology and oncology.
He has continued with further haematology training in London and also on sabbaticals in the Royal Marsden Hospital in London and M D Anderson Cancer Centre in Houston, Texas USA. Dr Toh is a Fellow of the Royal Colleges of Physicians in London, Edinburgh and Glasgow and a Fellow of the International Society of Haematology.
Participated in Singapore’s first private cord blood bank and is the current Medical Director of Cryoviva Singapore, a cord blood and tissue bank with activities in the Middle East, India, Thailand, Singapore and South- East Asia. Served in public health service until he started his own consultancy practice in the private sector in haematology and oncology.
Due to Dr Toh’s efforts in exploring to start bone marrow transplants in Singapore in Hammersmith Hospital and Edinburgh, his group were the first to carry out 2 such transplants in Mt.Elizabeth Hospital in the private sector. Since then, Bone Marrow transplants have become commonly done in Singapore’s private sector.
His love of academic medicine has been expressed by his being a part of Monash University as Associate Professor (Practice) in the Malaysian Johor Bahru campus, actively lecturing and tutoring students in clinical medicine and is regularly an examiner at the university since 2007.
Dr Toh’s caring nature found its expression in the several Community Services he worked in. A CCC chairman, he was nominated a Member of Parliament and served from 1992 to 1994. Dr Toh was a Rotarian and led the Singapore Rotary Club in the International Rotary Convention here in 1999. He has served as a member of the Christian Brothers’ Schools Board for nearly 30 years.
He received a Gold Medal for his services from Alumni Association of medical graduates in 2019 for his services. Working with clinical research organisations as a consultant, Dr Toh has published multiple medical journals regarding haematology and more.
He maintains a consultancy practice in haematology to date.