Health Screening
Due to the pervasiveness of chronic diseases, health screening in Singapore continues to be quintessential. Screen yourself and your loved ones.Health screening
Health screening is a medical check up that refers to the use of medical tests, examinations or other procedures such as blood tests, urine tests, X-rays and other scans that are done to determine if you have a medical disease or condition.
Health screening is essential for everyone. Full health and body checkups and screening enables you to find out if you have underlying medical condition(s) and helps to detect possible conditions which you may not be aware of, even if you are looking and feeling well, and there are no symptoms. Many conditions such as diabetes and high blood cholesterol often have no early signs or symptoms.
More importantly, an early diagnosis of a condition/disease/illness, means that necessary treatment can begin in the early phase. Early treatment helps to prevent the worsening of a condition and its complications. As said, “The first step of solving a problem is recognising that there is one.” by Will McAvoy.
Below is a list of general health screening packages available.
Our Health Screening Packages
- Sapphire
- Emerald
- Ruby
- Diamond
- Deluxe
- Royal
Optional Add-ons For Your Health Screening Packages
Our Eye Screening Packages
- Eye Screening for Children
- Premium Eye Screening for Adults
- Glaucoma Eye Screening